5 Ways to create Your Own Yoga Space

There’s a sense of calm when walking into my favorite yoga studio. From the lighting to the scents, the colors, and overall tranquil feeling. It’s a peaceful feeling that immediately calms my soul and wants to take that same energy and feeling home. I always thought I needed a big space or room to create this same sense of tranquility but that’s not the case. 

We can create this same sense of calm area in our home, apartment or room. You can create this space against a wall, in the corner of a room, on top of an empty dresser, your patio, anywhere that creates a sense of calm space for you. Your space can have a couple or several items that bring meaning when you are in this space. 

Here are ways you can create this space. 


Only include items that serve you or your space. Remove anything that doesn't feel meaningful or intentional. This will remove any distractions or unwanted energy. 


Lighting can have an impact on your mood and can be set by a few items. Candles are a great way to bring lighting to an area or soft lighting lamps. Some spaces may have windows nearby to brighten the room and set the tone. It can also include natural lighting or having no lights at all. 


Use scented items such as candles, incense, essential oils. You can use shelves, tables, the floor, dressers or baskets to hold your items. 

Meaningful Items

Find items that serve a purpose to your energy, bring spiritual meaning or represent something of importance to you. These could be photos of loved ones or ancestors, crystals, sage sticks, palo santo, statues, plants, yoga accessories, meditation pillows and anything else you can think of. 

Creating a Ritual

Set an intention of when you will use this space. Create a ritual that will allow you to utilize your space and find time to center yourself. This could be early in the morning when you get home, transiting in or out of work, prior to a big event, or whenever you feel pulled to it. This could even be a space for you to read, meditate, pray or be still.